This is my video demo reel. I started 3D graphics programming as part of an introduction class at the ETH Zurich. Originally, I only wanted to
take this course as a filler in my studies. However, it turned out to be so much fun creating things in the third dimension that I decided to graduate in computer graphics and write a doctoral dissertation about it.
Here you can take a look at some of the videos I created during that time.
Interactive Color Balancing (2012)
In this video, a tool is shown I created that lets you interactively balance the colors of an image given an example picture. In order to achieve instant results I implemented the color balacing as RBF interpolation entirely on the CPU. This allows instant color adjustment of the image, even with more than 40 color pairs. The color balancing tool is part of my 3DIMPVT 2012 paper (see below).
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Efficient Rasterization for Edge-Based 3D Object Tracking on Mobile Devices (2012)
This video shows a result of our edge based tracking for mobile devices. We developed a fast rasterization method that can run on mobile devices with limited GPU instruction sets in order to allign the filmed objects with template geometry. This project was the master thesis of Etan Kissling which I supervised and resulted in a Siggraph Asia 2012 publication.
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Fast and Stable Color Balancing for Images and Augmented Reality (2012)
This video shows my research on fast color balancing for image editing and augmented Reality. We increase the realism of augmented reality applications by copying the automatic color adjustments of the camera (e.g. brightness) onto the rendered footage. This was published at the 2012 3DIMPVT Conference.
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OSCAM - Optimized Stereoscopic Camera Control for Interactive 3D (2011)
This research project tackles the problem of stereoscopic 3D rendering in video games. We provide a fast soulution that guarantees comfortable stereo, even if the player runs into walls. This was published at SIGGRAPH Asia 2011.
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Investment Opportunity: OSCAM (2011)
This is my first proper animated short which I created from scratch. While making this video I was inspired by Valves magnificent "Portals 2 Investment Opportunity" commercials. I used Autodesk Maya 2011 for the animations, Adobe Premiere CS3 for compositing and editing, and Adobe Illustrator CS4 and Photoshop CS4 for visual editing.
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Visibility Transition Planning for Dynamic Camera Control (2009)
This is a research project that tries to solve the big problem of camera control in real-time applications. It was published at the 2009 Symposium on Computer Animation in New Orleans. Follow the link on the right for more information.
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XNA Terrain Shader (2009)
This terrain shader is a little project I made while I was working on an XNA engine. The terrain is drawn as a heightfield that is completely build together
within the vertex shader. A 16x16 triangle grid is send to the GPU and, using hardware instancing, it is duplicaded and transformed to create the terrain. Using a color
channel texture, 4 different textures can be smoothly blended over the surface.
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3D Lemming (2008)
The 3D Lemming was a fun project I did short after we finished the Liquidator animation filmlet. I wanted to get some more insight into the Maya
rendering pipeline. I took the original 2D animation frames and extended them to a meaningful 3D walk cycle. Copyright note: Please, Take 2 Games, don't
sew me for using the Lemming.
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Liquidator (2008)
Liquidator is an awesome fluid-animation made by Joe Schmid. At some point he was looking for music to put into his video. He agreed to let me
compose the music for the animation filmlet. It turned out to be a really interesting project because it became an iterative process where I fitted
the music to his animation and vice versa. The video is the result of several iterations over a few weeks.
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S.P.H.E.R.E.S (2007)
In 2006/07 two friends and I decided to participate in the new Game Programming Lab at ETH. The goal of this lab was to create
an XBOX 360 game during a whole semester. The game we created is a fast-paced two player capture-the-flag game with all sorts of
power-ups like speed-boost and mind-control.On the technical site: we
created a complete 3D environment with accurate physics, dynamic soft shadows and special shader effects.
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Project Firestarter (2005)
The 3D game environment you can see in this videos is the result of a project I completed with two friends (mad props to Roni Oeschger and Dominik Uebersax) in the scope of the pysically based
animations lecture. It is (not without reason) called "Firestarter" featuring a fire, a stick of wood, and a highly flammable piece of cloth. This project won the
physically-based-animation contest at the end of the course where more than 15 teams presented their project.
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Character Animation (2005)
In this project I tried to simulate a human walking cycle by only using scaled sine curves for each joint. The curves are weighted with a speed factor in order to get continuously variable walking speed. The user can directly control speed and direction of the character in real time. This project originally started as a test to try out extensive use of the matrix stack in OpenGl and eventually became this.
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